Pastoral Care

We care for our senior citizens, the sick, the homebound, nursing home patients, homeless families, and those in need of counseling; and we promote the respect of life.

Important Note

HCA Florida Healthcare

Brandon Hospital

Due to restrictions by HCA Florida Brandon Hospital, we are no longer allowed to have Eucharistic Ministers bring Holy Communion daily.

However, if you, or a loved one, is being admitted to HCA Brandon Hospital or are a current patient and wish to receive Holy Communion, please contact the Nativity Pastoral Care Office at 813-413-8351, so that we can arrange a visit by a Eucharistic Minister while you are a patient there.

If you are being admitted to another area hospital, please call us. We can arrange for the Catholic Church that ministers to that Hospital to bring Holy Communion to you as well.

Counseling Ministries

  • Individual, Family, Marriage & Youth Counseling
  • Bereavement Support Group
  • Legal Consultation Ministry
  • Lazarus Ministry (Funeral Planning Support)
  • Nativity Widows and Widowers Group
  • Surviving Divorce

Eucharistic Ministers

Our office coordinates Eucharistic Ministers to bring  Holy Communion to the Homebound, as well as Nursing Homes, Assisted Living Facilities.

*If you or a loved one has been admitted or is a current patient at HCA Brandon Hospital and wish to receive Holy Communion or a visitation, please contact the Pastoral Care Office. We can arrange a visit by a Eucharistic Minister while you are a patient there. If at another hospital in the area, we can arrange for the Catholic Church that ministers to that hospital to bring Holy Communion as well.

Family Outreach

We partner with local outreach organizations to assist families in need in our community. 

Life Ministries

Life Ministries promotes the sanctity of life from conception to natural death and respect for the dignity of all life. Issues include areas of abortion, fertility, the elderly, the disabled, 
human trafficking, and the death penalty.

H.O.P.E. Justice Ministry

The Hillsborough Organization for Progress and Equality (HOPE) is comprised of 22 congregations throughout Hillsborough County. They come together to work on issues of justice and fairness.
They organize for long-term systemic change.

At this time the issues that HOPE
 are working on are:
  • Affordable Housing
  • Criminal Justice
    We are continuing to monitor:
  • Civil Citations for Youthful Offenders
  • Elder Care

Office of Aging Services

Pastoral Care provides information to help families dealing with aging issues, such as information on nursing homes and assisted living facilities in the area, home health care workers, Meals on Wheels, and other needs.

Educational Ministries

  • Faith Community Nursing

Outreach Ministries to the Nursing Homes

Help us to share joy with those residents in Nursing Homes and Assisted Living Facilities by joining one of the ministries below:
  • Visitation and Rosary Ministry
  • Placemat Ministry

Transportation Ministries

Our Transportation Ministry helps with rides to doctor appointments, shopping, 
and beauty shop appointments. 
Our Bus Ministry helps those who need rides to Mass at 4pm Saturday or 10:30am Sunday. 
 Space is limited. Please call our office for applications to ride.

Our Mission at Pastoral Care:

 To minister to those in our parish community who are in need of help. We encourage and enhance economic, spiritual, and personal development, where our volunteers promote spiritual wellness and the love of Jesus Christ to others. 

Address: 705 E Brandon Blvd. (We are located in the church officenear the Novemberfest field). 

Office Hours:
Monday – Thursday, 9:00am – 4:00pm and Friday, 9:00am – 12:00pm

Office hours are subject to change. During the summer months please check the weekly bulletin or church website for specific office hours.

For assistance or more information, please contact the Pastoral Care Office at (813) 681-4608 or via email at
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