The sacrament of baptism ushers us into the divine life, cleanses us from sin, and initiates us as members of the Christian community. It is the foundation for the sacramental life.
* Baptism of Infants or Children (below the age of 7 years old):
We at Nativity congratulate you! God has blessed you with a child. We wish you every joy and happiness in the years to come with the beautiful child that is God’s gift to you. Now, you are presenting that child for baptism in the Catholic Church. Please follow the instructions below.
* For information on the Baptism of Adults or children 7 years or older
- please CLICK HERE.
Looking for a copy of your Baptismal Certificate
- please
CLICK HERE. What You Need to Know Before You Have Your Child Baptized:
2) Submit a copy of the child's Birth Certificate.
3) Select Godparents [see eligibility requirements below] and have them complete:
4) Participate in a Baptism preparation class along with your Godparents. Our Baptism class can be taken in person on the first Monday of the month starting in September. For more information, please contact the Faith Formation office by calling 813-689-9101.
Important note:
If godparents are members of another Parish, they may take a class offered at their Church. In this case, a letter or certificate certifying completion of the class must be presented, in addition to a certificate of eligibility for sponsorship.
Church Registration and Attendance - The Eucharist is the heart of our Catholic faith, and coming to Mass regularly is an important sign that you are ready to accept the responsibility to raise your child in the practice of our faith.
When do Baptisms occur at Nativity?
Families celebrate English baptisms on designated Sundays beginning with the 10:30 am Mass. Spanish-speaking baptisms are celebrated on designated Saturdays beginning at the 4:00 pm Mass. All baptisms are celebrated as a group and will be scheduled after completing the necessary steps. Los bautismos de habla hispana se celebran los sábados designados a partir de la misa de las 4:00 pm. Todos los bautismos se celebran en grupo y se programarán después de completar los pasos necesarios.