Liturgical Ministries

Our church and chapel are the places where our Nativity family gathers to worship together. There are many ways you can help, depending on the gifts God has given you and how God may call on you. Sometimes to find out what that is, we need to just try and see. The participation of everyone involved in these ministries is important and vital to the parish community. 

Altar Servers/Monaguillos

These young men and women serve the community by assisting the priest during the celebration of Eucharist and other liturgical celebrations (weddings, funerals, etc.).


If you would like to sign up to become an altar server, here are the requirements:

  • You have celebrated your First Communion
  • You are in the 5th grade or older
  • You have attended an altar server training session

Contact: Jesse Martinez

Estos jovenes sirven a nuestra comunidad asistiendo al sacerdote durante la celebración de la Eucaristia y otras celebraciones liturgicas (matrimonios, funerales, etc.). Si deseas servir en el altar, he aquí algunos requisitos:

  • Que hayas celebrado tu Primera Comunion
  • Que estés en quinto grado o mayor
  • Que asistas a uno de los entrenamientos para ser monaguillo

Contactar: Jesse Martinez

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion/Ministros Extraordinarios de la Eucaristía

These ministers undertake the office of assisting in the distribution of the Eucharist at Mass. They are resolved to administer the holy eucharist with the utmost care and reverence. The following are some requirements:

  • Be registered at the parish for at least one full year
  • Be fully initiated (i.e., baptized and confirmed) 
  • Be a practicing Catholic in full communion with the Church
  • Attend a Eucharistic Minister training session

Contact: Rob and Priscilla Brinkman

Estos ministros asumen la responsabilidad de assistir en la distribucion de la Eucaristía en la Misa. Ellos se comprometen a administrar la eucaristía con el mayor cuidado y reverencia. Los siguentes son requisitos: 

  • Estar registrado en la parroquia por al menos un año
  • Estar completamente iniciado en la iglesia (i.e. bautizado y confirmado)
  • Practicante de la Fe católica en plena comunion con la Iglesia
  • Assistir a un taller de entrenamiento para los ministros de la Eucaristía

Contactar a: Gigi Garcia

Eucharistic Ministers to the Homebound, Nursing Homes and Hospitals 

Contact: Bonnie Ussery
For more information
 click here


The reader helps to nourish our Parish community through proclamation of the Word at Mass. If you would like to be trained to become a reader:
Bob Woodke

El lector nos ayuda de una manera particular a proclamar la palabra de Dios en la Misa. Si deseas ser entrenado para ser lector:
Contactar a:
Veronica Rosado -

Music Ministries (Nativity Chorale, Family Mass, Coro Hispano, Life Teen Band)

Contact: Dr. Carlos Vazquez-Ramos


These men and women provide hospitality during our liturgies by:

  • assisting with seating 
  • taking up collection
  • directing both the Offertory and Communion processions
  • distribute the weekly bulletin 

Contact: Michael Chen


Estas personas nos asisten con hospitalidad durante nuestras liturgias:

  • ayudan a los feligreses a sentarse 
  • recogen la limosna
  • dirigen las procesiones de oferterio y comunion 
  • distribuyen nuestro boletin semanal 

Contactar a: Manny Nieves at


Welcome and greet your fellow parishioners and those who are visiting our parish for about 20-30 miniutes before each Mass. All you need is a willingness to be present, extend a hand, and share your friendly smile! 
Tim Bergevin 

Deaf/Hard of Hearing Ministry

At the 4:00 PM Saturday Mass, a person trained in ASL (American Sign Language) assists us with the simultaneous translation of the liturgy to the hearing impaired. If you're trained in ASL and interested in assisting us, please contact Leesa Holz

Liturgical Ministry Schedules:

Please contact the Ministry Coordinators for the current schedule. 

  • Altar Servers
  • Lectors
  • Lectores
  • EMHC - Church Masses
  • Family Mass Ministries

Ministries List:

  • Eucharistic Ministers
  • Readers
  • Altar Servers
  • Ushers
  • Music Ministers (Cantors & Choirs)
  • Greeters
  • Hearing Impaired Ministers
  • Come Clean Church & Chapel Cleaners
  • Audio/Visual Tech Team
  • Arts & Environment
  • Sacristan
  • Liturgy Committee

Audio/Visual Tech Team

Tech savvy and looking to enhance the liturgical experiences of our Parish family? Our Audio Visual Team could use your help running the video screens, live stream camera system and sound boards during weekend Masses. 
Dr. Carlos Vazquez-Ramos

Come Clean Church & Chapel Cleaners

Helped clean God's house on Thursday mornings. This group of volunteers cleans the Church from 9-11:00am and the Chapel from 9:00-11:00am. 
Call the Church Office at 813.681.4608

Art & Environment

This team assists our sacristans to decorate our worship spaces for special liturgies and the change in Liturgical Seasons. 
Gail Llanusa

Sacristan Ministry

The Nativity Church Sacristans take care of preparing for the celebration of the Mass by setting up the altar, liturgical books, what is needed for the ushers, altar servers and Eucharistic Ministers and and other things necessary for the celebration of the mass.

Contact: Gail Llanusa

Liturgy Committee

This group assists the priests in the liturgical celebrations by providing feedback, discussing upcoming liturgy plans and working to enhance liturgical celebrations here at the parish. 
Fr. Don Amodeo

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