Empowering Joyful Disciples
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
At Nativity, we are proclaiming the Good News with great joy to all people! Our vision comes from the encounter of the angels to the shepherds in Bethlehem as Jesus Christ was born some two thousand years ago. His birth would forever change the world that He would redeem through His Cross and Resurrection.
As a parish family, we are called to respond to the Good News of Jesus Christ by knowing Him, loving Him, and serving Him. Through the work of many hands in our parish, we not only proclaim this Good News but also empower the faithful to be joyful disciples.
Thank you for your faithful service and previous generous support of our parish community and the mission of the Church. I invite you to prayerfully consider how you can renew your commitment to financially support our parish through our Empowering Joyful Disciples program. Your sacrificial giving allows us to serve one another and make Christ present for our community through the celebration of the Eucharist and the sacraments as well as catechetical programs and ministries.
Your generosity, faithfulness, and commitment to our church’s mission is very much appreciated.
May God bless you!
Father Mike Smith
Know Him
Christ engaged people through stories, teachings, and parables and in the process challenged them to think about what they believed to be true about life, forgiveness, each other, God, and so much more.
Love Him
Christ’s relationship with the Father was deeply
rooted in prayer and from this relationship flowed His whole life and ministry.
Serve Him
Christ renounced power and glory for a life of
service - through His healings, miracles, comforting
words, and heartfelt compassion, He served people
and their deepest needs.
Financial Snapshot:
2023/2024 Fiscal Year
Use your offertory envelope and bring it
to Mass or mail it to the parish office.
To learn more about making a Planned Gift to Nativity, contact the parish office