Religious Education 
K-5 Grade

Parents are recognized as having the primary responsibility for training their children in practicing their faith. (Gaudium et Spes #48.) 

At Nativity, we are delighted to partner with you and your child on this journey of faith! We offer Faith Formation classes on Sunday mornings and Wednesday evenings for children grades K-5.  Children not attending Catholic school should be attending classes within a Faith Formation program from Grade K or 1 through Grade 5.

Faith Formation Grades K-5.

At Nativity, we offer Faith Formation classes in English on Sunday mornings (8:45 a.m. -10 a.m.) and Wednesday evenings (6:30 p.m. - 7:45 p.m.) for grades K-5. 

What Curriculum Do We Use?

  • Focus is on the concepts of Church doctrine, Church history, scriptures, sacramental life, prayer, morality, social justice, and the liturgical year.
  • Class curriculum is age-appropriate and engaging.

Registration is closed. Please contact the Faith Formation office if you are still in need of registering!

If you have any questions, please call the Faith Formation office at 813.689.9101.

Si tiene alguna pregunta, llame a la oficina de Formación de Fe al 813.689.9101.

Sacrament Preparation for 1st Communion & 1st Reconciliation

 Sacramental preparation sessions for First Reconciliation and First Communion are part of a free-standing program. This means that in addition to attending Catholic School, or a Nativity Faith Formation class, you and your child will attend a few parent-student sessions that are specifically geared towards preparation for the sacraments. Click the corresponding Sacrament above for more information.

Teen Confirmation Preparation

The Youth Ministry department oversees and runs the Confirmation Sacramental Preparation process. Please click here for more information. 

How can YOU volunteer?

Parents-We Need You! 
The single most important way to solidify your child's faith journey is by attending Mass with them weekly. As we teach our youth about their faith and how to PRAY, SERVE, and GIVE, it significantly improves your experience here as you help us to be that good Catholic role model.  
As part of the Faith Formation program, families are asked to attend Family Faith Events, which are intergenerational family sessions that will help parents and children learn about our Catholic faith together. These events (at least one per grade level per year) are held during class-time for your convenience. In addition, families are asked to attend semi-annual Penitential services which include individual confessions. 

If you feel called to be one of our volunteer teachers, please call Faith Formation at (813) 689-9101, or email Deacon Joe Allison, Director of Faith Formation-RE.
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