Promotes the sanctity of life from conception to natural death and respect for the dignity of all life. Issues include areas of fertility, the elderly, the disabled, human trafficking, and the death penalty.
Join us the third Saturday of each to pray a Rosary for Life. We meet at 9:00 a.m. at Mary’s Garden, the statue of Mary located along Oakwood Avenue. If there is inclement weather, we pray inside the church. Our prayer intentions are for life and human dignity.
Join us the fourth Saturday of each month at the abortion facility located at 3330 Kennedy Blvd., in Tampa from 8:30 a.m. to 12 noon. We pray for the lives of preborn babies to be spared and for the conversion of mothers, fathers, and doctors who participate in or promote abortion.
In October, or Respect Life Month, we join together for a Rosary for the unborn. We also participate in the Life Chain on the sidewalk by Hwy 60. This is a public, prayerful witness to show that we respect life from conception to natural death.
During 40 days each fall, our ministry volunteers to pray during one day each week at an abortion facility. Also, we partner with the Knights of Columbus to set up 40 crosses or flags on the parish campus to remind our community of the lives lost through abortion.
Help Our Ministry to Thrive
Join us the second Monday of each month for our planning meeting from 6:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. This gathering takes place in the John Paul II room of the parish hall. Your time and talent can help us to be more effective in our efforts to protect life.
Our ministry also helps raise money and promote giving for mothers in need.
Nativity's Baby Closet
We collect gently-used baby clothes up to 24 months, diapers, wipes & baby toiletry items.
If you wish to donate items such as, high chairs, cribs, strollers, pack-n-plays or car seats, these must be NEW and in their original packaging.
These items can all be dropped off at the Church Office.
If you or someone you know is a mother in need of temporary emergency assistance, please contact the
Pastoral Care Office.
Project Rachel
Weekends for healing after abortion are held every weekend throughout the United States and internationally. For more information,
please visit
1-877-908-1212 for our local Diocesan Catholic Charities Project Rachel ministry.
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Ministry Contact: Bridget VanSciver