Publication Request

Thank you for the opportunity to consider your work for publication and for sharing your ministry events and/or information with the members of Nativity Catholic Church. Use the form below to make your submission online. This form will be submitted to the Coordinator of Communications for review.


  • Complete the submission form at least one month ahead of time so we can include it more than once before it occurs. This gives parishioners time to plan ahead.
  • Length: A good rule of thumb is to keep your item between 100 and 150 words. Any submission over 150 words will be returned to the ministry or group to be shortened and resubmitted.
  • Artwork (File upload): Using artwork will increase the exposure of your event because people naturally look at clip art, logos, and photos first on any page. If you have a photo or logo to include with your event, please attach it to this form. All artwork must be formatted as .jpg images, which are most compatible with printed publications.
  • Full Page: Full and ½ page submissions must to be approved by the Communications Coordinator at least four weeks in advance to confirm there is space available.
  • Inserts: If you would like to include a bulletin insert, please contact the Parish Office at least four weeks in advance to confirm there is space available.
  • If you would like some help promoting your ministry for the bulletin, please contact Gabriel Pantojas. The email address utilized for all communication related items is
  • Photos, logos and graphics: If you are Are you including a photo, graphic, logo or file, please email the file(s) to (Please list the tittle of article as your subject line).

If your article is selected for publication, your contributions may be be edited for space and content. 

We reserve the right to edit, publish or decline any submitted material.

Publication Request

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