Mass Intentions

A Mass may be offered for any person, living or deceased. A Mass Intention is requested usually for a specific date and time. Announcement of the intention may be made verbally, published in the bulletin, or posted on a notice board. Every Sunday (or Saturday Vigil) one Mass Intention must be celebrated pro populo (for the people.) Please contact the Church Office at (813) 681-4608 for more information on scheduling a Mass Intention at Nativity.


  1. To give the opportunity for as many parishioners as possible to schedule a Mass intention for their loved ones and to accommodate recently deceased individuals, the Mass Intention book will open for twelve (12) months January 1st to December 31st.
  2. Mass intentions may not be scheduled for more than one year in advance.
  3. Mass Intentions may be offered for any person, living or deceased.
  4. Requests will be honored on a first-come-first-serve basis in the order in which the request is received at the Parish Office.
  5. Please note that a $10 Mass Stipend Fee is required for all Mass Intention Requests. When completing your request, please use the "Donate Now" button to pay the stipend.
Request a Mass Intention

“The Mass is the most perfect form of prayer!”

Pope Paul VI

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